Tag: Current Events

Current events are an important part of civics education. You need to know what’s going on in the world in order to be an active, engaged, and informed citizen.

Check out these posts for teaching methods and resources related to current events. CNN10 is a great resource for bringing current events into your class on a regular basis, but newspapers can also be great. If you can snag a free subscription to a newspaper for your class, it can be nice to revert to an analog world and flip through the paper.


Is CNN 10 Biased?

Looking up at the scales of justice statue with a dark sky behind her.

This is a question I hear often enough when I talk about teaching current events – is CNN 10 biased? CNN10 (formerly CNN Student News) is one of my favorite resources for teaching current events. I’ve written about why I like CNN10 as well as ways that you can incorporate it into your class. But looking […]