Submission Guidelines

Interested in writing for us? We’re interested in hearing what you have to say.

Submission Categories

Primarily, we’re looking for submissions for the “Sunday Spotlight” category. Once a week, we publish an article by an educator describing his or her own practice as a civic educator. Simply put, we want to here what you do and what makes you a great civic educator.

We also accept submissions for the “Methods” and the “Resource” categories. For methods, you should describe a teaching method that can be applied in multiple topics and situations. For resources, you could describe a website, book, article, video, or set of documents that you find useful (example: Teaching Current Events with CNN10). In each case, please take a look around the site and ensure that your method or resource is unique. We will not publish ideas that have already been featured.

Submission Requirements

In each case, your submission should be approximately 500 to 1,000 words. Shorter submissions will not be considered, but longer submissions will be considered if they are particularly compelling. Include with your submission a suggested title, and be sure to break it down into segments with subheadings. You will have to provide at least one photo (landscape, approx. 1,000 x 500px, must be your own photo or freely licensed under Creative Commons) and a short bio (a few sentences).

Submit Your Idea

With the formalities out of the way, fill out the form below and let us know what you’d like to write.

In the “Submission Idea” field, describe your proposed submission in a paragraph or so. Do not include an entire draft of an article here.

If you do have a complete draft, you can include a link to it in the “Link to Submission Draft” field. This is optional.

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.